The Thrash Master Concave System increases the thrashing surface area which gives your machine the ability to thrash better and more aggressively.

Swapping out traditional round wire combine concaves for these innovative bar-and-grate style modular MAD Concaves™ results in more efficient threshing, getting your grain out of the head and into the hopper quicker for decreased rotor loss and less dockage. 

- MAD Concaves  

New! - MAD Concaves

Bushel Plus MAD Concaves - Case IH, John Deere and New Holland
•  Reduce Dockage & Losses           •  Quick & Easy to Change
•  Increase Grain Quality                 •  Gain Operational Efficiency 

- Thrash Master Concave System  

- Thrash Master Concave System

The Thrash Master Concave System increases the thrashing surface area which gives your machine the ability to thrash better and more aggressively.