

Rebounder seed deflectors, for drills / seeders,  funnel all seeds to the center of the seed trench. The Rebounder is a simple-yet-effective planting attachment that improves the accuracy and uniformity of in-furrow seed placement by funneling all seeds to the center of the seed V.  This eliminates seed bounce.



Rebounder seed deflectors, for planters, funnel all seeds to the center of the seed trench. The Rebounder is a simple-yet-effective planting attachment that improves the accuracy and uniformity of in-furrow seed placement by funneling all seeds to the center of the seed V.  This eliminates seed bounce.

Rebounder Seed Deflectors funnel all seeds to the center of the seed trench.

Uneven seed spacing and inconsistent depth placement are two of the top contributors to decreased yields.  Inconsistent depth placement occurs with seeds landing 3/4” to 1-3/4” deep. Shallow-planted seeds can cause poor root structure and reduced yields.

The Rebounder is a simple-yet-effective planting attachment that improves the accuracy and 
uniformity of in-furrow seed placement by funneling all seeds to the center of the seed V.  This eliminates seed bounce, resulting in seeds being flipped on top of the soil. 

As the double discs on a planter open a seed V in wetter, heavier soils, they tend to “orange peel” the side wall. Seeds can lodge on the side wall and not get all the way to the bottom of the seed V.

The Rebounder has a unique, spoon shape design that forms to the V-shape of the furrow. This works in conjunction with the furrow’s V-shape rather than against it. 

The Rebounder’s spoon shape design flows gently down the furrow, not disturbing the soil or creating any additional compaction around the seed. The spoon shape design gradually
narrows as it drops below the topsoil surface to follow the V-shape that is created by the double disc openers.