Durable Poly Won't Rust - Save Money on Repairs

When the grain head is covered with the 1/8" thick UHMW poly May Wes Auger Trough Liners, wet grain and moisture will not cause corrosion.
Even when metal lining is corroded, the May Wes poly auger trough liner keeps loose grain from falling through rust holes and feeds grain evenly in the throat of the combine.
At 1/8" thick UHMW poly, May Wes Auger Trough Liners cover the full length of the floor under the auger, not just the feed opening.
The 1/8" thick UHMW poly lining is much easier to replace than factory metal. Simply bolt and rivit into place.
• Exceptional wear characteristics of the ultra high molecular weight (UHMW) poly.
• Guards against corrosion PLUS provides a smooth, slick surface for the grain to flow out.

The following video includes clips from the Larson Family Farms Video "We Have Holes in Our Head" regarding the benefit and installation process of the May Wes Poly Trough Liners for Grain Heads.
Exceptional wear characteristics of the ultra high molecular weight (UHMW) poly.
