Closing wheels are the last part of the planter that can affect the crop at planting.  The wrong setup can negate all the proper placement and depth you have achieved.  Closing wheels securely close the furrow and eliminate air pockets.


The closing system’s job is to securely close the furrow and eliminate air pockets to improve the chance of even emergence.   In numerous studies, replacement closing wheel treatments held an advantage over the two solid rubber wheel control.

Finger-Till Cast Closing Wheels  

Finger-Till Cast Closing Wheels

S.I. Distributing's Finger-Till Closing Wheel crumble sidewalls and close the furrow for optimum seed-to-soil contact. The side fins provide depth control and fine-tune the soil. Better in wet no-till conditions.

More aggressive      Reduces sidewall compaction    Lightly tills the soil         15" in diameter

Martin-Till Closing Wheels  

Martin-Till Closing Wheels

Martin-Till offers many different closing wheel options, for many different planting conditions. 

Yetter Twisters  

Yetter Twisters

Yetter Twister closing wheels have a twisted-spike design that breaks up sidewall compaction and is effective in a wide range of soil conditions.  Whatever your tillage practice or soil type, Twister closing wheels seal the seed trench, ensuring seed-to-soil contact for optimal seed germination.

Cast Closing Wheels  

Cast Closing Wheels

Cast Closing Wheel

  • Made of rugged, thick, cast iron
  • Weight 45 pounds per row

Copperhead AG  

Copperhead AG

The Copperhead closing system ensure seed-to-soil contact and work in virtually any soil and tillage conditions.  Prevents furrows from re-opening and allows young roots to penetrate the sidewalls with the Copperhead AG closing wheels.

Rubber Closing Wheels  

Rubber Closing Wheels

Rubber Closing Wheels